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Boy Attacked by Mountain Lion at Malibu Creek State Park in Calabasas

CALABASAS—A 5-year-old boy was recovering at home Tuesday after a mountain lion grabbed him by the head and started to run away with him at Malibu Creek State Park in Calabasas.
The attack occurred just before 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Tapia Park section of the state park, according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW).
“A family group from Woodland Hills was having a picnic at Malibu Creek State Park, consisting of at least six adults and a few children,” according to the state agency. “The children were playing in the immediate vicinity of the family’s picnic table when a mountain lion attacked a 5-year-old boy, causing significant but non-life-threatening injuries. One or more adults charged at the lion, and it released the boy. Multiple witnesses saw the attack and observed the mountain lion climb up a nearby tree.”
The boy’s aunt told KTLA5 that the father heard someone scream the boy’s name and came running, then he grabbed the mountain lion with his hands and fought until the lion released the boy.
CDFW officials said the lion remained in the tree until park rangers arrived.
“In consultation with CDFW wildlife officers, they deemed the mountain lion a threat to public safety and a ranger euthanized it via firearm,” according to the state.
The boy was flown to Northridge Hospital Medical Center for treatment and was eventually released, although family indicated he had to return to the hospital due to complications from his eye injuries.
Malibu Creek State Park is within the Santa Monica Mountains. It was the former site of the 20th Century Fox movie ranch and the outdoor backdrop for the “M*A*S*H” television series.
